onsdag 25 juli 2018

Almost home

After a 'longish' day on the road we are now at camping Persköp in the south of Sweden. It was voted the best 'Stellplatz ' in Sweden at last year's trade fair.  We couldn't agree more!

We wanted to visit two dealers on our way here. The first one - and I won't mention their name - made us totally disappointed. They are the Swedish agents for a brand of van we are really interested in. A high end brand, so we were apalled to see they had no building for their vans, only a tiny office building. All their vans were parked outdoors, and the so called customer parking was a dump with old tires laying around. And hardly no space to park. At first we thought the GPS was going crazy again, especially since we couldn't see a sign anywhere. We just turned around and left.

The second dealer, 'Bengt i Örkelljunga' was a 70 minute drive away, but we made it in time to get a good look around. Now we know a bit more what kind of RV we're buying next time.

And now we're here, having happily munched on delivery pizza. No grilling outdoors in Sweden because of the heat, and our outdoor gas kitchen counts as a grill. So instead of cooking in our van, making it even hotter inside, we ordered pizza. We think he overcharged us though, so will call back and check.

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