tisdag 30 juni 2020

Travel in Covid-times

Our original plan was to travel northern Norway this summer but Corona had other plans. Instead we'll be doing a 'visit-moms-trip', starting up north and then finishing on the west coast. Tomorrow we're off to first Gävle 150 km north of here to check on Mom's apartment (she's staying with my sister in Umeå since Easter) and then we'll follow the coast up to Umeå. The first stretch north of Gävle is called the Virgin Coast (have no idea why) https://www.jungfrukusten.nu/karta.html and then further up north it's the High Coast https://www.hogakusten.com/en . Both are incredibly beautiful.

Going south we are planning on taking the Wilderness Route https://wildernessroad.eu/karta , something we have talked about for several years now. It's only open for a few weeks every year, I think they opened less than a month ago, and there was snow 7 meters deep on each side of the road then. Probably all gone now though.

And then it's back here for a few days with the washing machine until heading south-west to visit Jens's mom on the west coast. We are incredibly happy to have our little RV, especially these days!

Hopefully we have packed everything. At least this year, we know we can buy everything we've forgotten to bring, that's a plus, but all things considered I would have preferred our original plan!
