måndag 25 september 2023

Sachsenhausen koncentration camp Sep 18

 I've been dreading writing about this day. Sachsenhausen is situated in Oranienburg, a small town nort-west of Berlin. We spent two hours there, which was not nearly enough, but we couldn't take in more. A hortible, horrible place! But so important to visit.

So many questions. The camp was actually right on the doorstep to people's homes. How did they feel about that? And afterwards, how could they live with the knowledge of what had happened there? So much human evil. And don't give me that old crap of 'typically German', because I do not buy into that. Just look at KKK and lynchings in the US - noone would say typicslly American  and rightly so. Or look at the way Sweden treated the sami population, a terrible part of our history.

I'll just post some photos here. 

             Doesn't this look just like a park?

        Arbeit macht frei - Work makes you free
                        The execution pit
In the background is the memorial. In the foreground is where the two gallows stood 

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